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Truancy Information

Sanger ISD enforces the Texas compulsory attendance laws in the following ways:

  • Automated phone calls to parents or guardians daily notifying them when a student has been marked absent in a class.  It is the parent’s or guardian’s responsibility to ensure that the most current and up-to-date contact information is on file at their child’s school.  Parents and Guardians may refer to the district’s Student & Parent Handbook, the Attendance Website, or the Campus their child attends for resources, information and support regarding attendance.
  • All students will be issued a warning letter when attendance records reflect that the student has absences without an excuse on three days or parts of days in a four-week period.  This is also when the campus will begin implementation of Truancy Prevention Measures for the student.  Truancy prevention measures (TPM) are required by law to assist parents and prevent the filing with the court for compulsory attendance.


Truancy Prevention Measures will include, but are not limited to:

  • Parent and or Student Conference
  • Truancy Prevention Class (Online and/or In-Person)
  • Attendance Contract
  • Mandatory Student Tutorials
  • Student Detention
  • Parent Engagement Classes
  • Referral to Administration, Counselor, or Truancy Officer
  • Saturday School
  • In-School Suspension
  • Home Visits


 When Truancy Prevention Measures fail to solve the attendance problem, referral to a truancy court becomes an option.  If a student fails to attend school on 10 or more days or parts of days within a six-month period in the same school year and those absences have been verified by the campus as unexcused, students 12 and older may be referred to the prosecutor of the truancy court of Denton County.  At this point the campus may also file a criminal complaint against parents, who contribute to the nonattendance of their child, regardless of the age of their child, or the student if they are of an appropriate age.  The goal of each campus is to provide truancy prevention measures for students who exhibit attendance issues in a way that meaningfully addresses the student’s overall attendance.  Sanger ISD may delay the referral to court if the Truancy Prevention Measures are successful and the delay is in the best interest of the student.