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Leaving Campus

WITH Guardian Present

Please bring your Driver's Licence to the front office to be verified then your student will be called out of the classroom.

-You will be asked to scan your license and provide a reason for checking out.

WITHOUT Guardian Present

Please send an email to from the email that was used at registration. This email must be sent at least two hours before the student leaves campus.  Please include the time of release and the reason for leaving. The student will be given a "dismiss from class" pass and must come to the front office to check out before leaving campus.



Sanger High School is a closed campus.  Absent an early release of all students or an individual student being permitted to leave after following the checkout procedures explained above, students are not allowed to leave the campus once they have arrived at school.  This means that students are not permitted to leave campus during passing periods or during lunch. Students with off periods during the instructional day must remain on campus once they arrive, or leave when their off period begins.